silent moldering 201384" x 42"pigment graphite dura-lar
mandala 200360 x 44blood rag paper
mandala 2003 detail
restitution 201384” x 42”ink graphite dura-lar
poka 200849 x 27 diptychgraphite rag paper
suturing silence 201040 x 30 oil paint rag paper
burn circle 200745 x 45firework fuse rag paper
22” x 30”ink wax pencil rag paper
the shifting true 201045 x 35graphite inks dura-lar
snaefellsjokull 200835 x 45graphite ink dura-lar
the continuity of nothingness 201040 x 30 graphite rag paper
the continuity of nothingness detail